YOU MAY LIKE : Signature Cuisine, French Cuisine PRICE :36 to 50 € OPENING HOURS : Tuesday to Saturday, 19.30 – 22.00 et lunch only on Wednesday and Saturday. GETTING THERE : 24, rue de la République – Argelès-sur-Mer (66700) TEL : +33 6 19 25 70 13

YOU MAY LIKE : Fishes & seafood PRICE : Less than 15 € OPENING HOURS : Open all year. Every day from 9.00 to 19.00 Delivery possible GETTING THERE : 3, route Nationale – Collioure (66190) TEL. : +33 4 68 95 95 25

YOU MAY LIKE : Pastry, Confectionery PRICE : Less than 15 € OPENING HOURS : Tuesday to Saturday, 7.30 à 12h et de 16h à 19h. Le dimanche de 7h30 à 12h et de 16h à 19h. GETTING THERE : 6, placette Availl – Arles-sur-Tech (66150) TEL : +33 4 68 39 10 47

YOU MAY LIKE : Regional Cuisine, Oysters and Tapas PRICE :36 to 50 € OPENING HOURS : From Thursday noon to Sunday noon from April to mid-June & from mid-September to the end of November. Open 7 days a week from June to September except Monday midday. GETTING THERE : Chemin de Valmy – Argelès-sur-Mer…

YOU MAY LIKE : Signature Cuisine, French Cuisine PRICE : 36 to 50 € GETTING THERE : Baie de Paulilles – Port-Vendres (66660) TEL : +33 4 68 81 49 79

YOU MAY LIKE : Seafood and fish, Market cuisine & Terroir PRICE :36 to 50 € OPENING HOURS :April to October, everyday for lunch & diner. GETTING THERE : 29, résidence Torre d’en Sorra – Argelès-sur-Mer (66700) TEL : +33 4 68 81 41 23

YOU MAY LIKE: Market cuisine, Tapas & Terroir PRICE: Less than 15 € OPENING HOURS: From midday to midnight, from May to September. GETTING THERE: 13, boulevard de la Mer – Argelès-sur-Mer (66700)

WAS SIE LIEBEN : Weinbar / Esslokal, Tapas, kalte Speisen PREISE : Von 16 bis 35 € Geöffnet: Von April bis Oktober täglich von 12 bis 14 Uhr und von 19:30 bis 22 Uhr. Von Oktober bis Ende Februar nur mittags von Mittwoch bis Sonntag. Geschlossen im März. ADRESSE : 11, av. du Puig–del-Mas –…